Finout’s Virtual Tagging technology and MegaBill are now officially patented! Learn more
Product Update - Resource Page

Product Update - Resource Page

Now you can drill down from any cost filter and view the resources it contains.
It enables you to analyze any cost and find the highest-consuming resources.
You can see on this page all the details about the resources, including all tags related to this resource.
The advanced filters, sorting and column picker capabilities on this page, will enhance your Finops actions and make your analysis much more simple.

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Use cases example:

Use cases:

  1. I have $100 of EC2-compute cost, and I want to know which department is using it. It’s not a single AWS tag.
  2. I want to understand for my Virtual tag the different costs we are using.
  3. As part of a drill-down in cost analysis, it is the last phase of a drill-down of what we now call raw data.
  4. When building a dashboard, I want a widget that shows the current query resource list by cost.

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